"Fostering a dog isn’t a lifetime commitment.
It’s a commitment to saving a LIFE."
How to Become a Foster Dog Parent
MABTR cannot operate without foster dog homes. The more foster homes we have, the more Boston Terriers we can save. We are actively seeking foster families in Colorado, Kansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming.
What is a Foster Dog Home?
A MABTR foster dog home is a home where a rescued, unwanted, or otherwise needy Boston Terrier can live and be loved until a permanent home is available that meets his or her special needs. Our foster dogs are in our care on average three to four weeks, though their time in foster care varies widely based on the dog’s condition and the number of applicants at the time that meet his or her needs.
Foster homes are not for people who just want to adopt a Boston Terrier. They are for people willing to open their hearts to help Boston Terriers along their way, understanding that he/she will eventually be going to a “forever home.”
As a foster home we do not know what we are getting in when it comes to behavior, personality, potty training and health no matter how much information is shared with us. A foster home has to be prepared for anything. Though if the situation is unsafe we will move the dog immediately.

We are also in need of petless foster homes. Unfortunately we do get in bostons that do not get along well with other dogs however make great companion pets. Looking for short term companionship without the long term commitment. This may be an opportunity for you and a great way to help a boston.
What is a MABTR Dog Babysitter?
A MABTR dog babysitter is a short-term stay over for the dog while he is in transition to move into foster care or closer to their forever home. A babysitter has a start and end date. This can consist of one night up to a week.
Become a MABTR Dog Foster or Babysitter
The first step to become a foster is completing our foster application. Please read it carefully, as it thoroughly outlines your responsibilities as a foster. Then email to luckypawpals@aol.com and after review we will call you for a phone interview.
Click here to view the babysitter agreement
A Poem To My Foster Dog
By Diane Morgan
I am the bridge,
Between what was and what can be.
I am the pathway to a new life.
I am made of mush,
Because my heart melted when I saw you,
Matted and sore, limping, depressed
Lonely, unwanted, afraid to love.
For one little time you are mine.
I will feed you with my own hand.
I will love you with my whole heart.
I will make you whole.
I am made of steel.
Because when the time comes,
When you are well, and sleek,
When your eyes shine,
And your tail wags with joy
Then comes the hard part.
I will let you go – not without a tear,
But without a regret.
For you are safe forever –
A new dog needs me now.
If you have ever thought about fostering – performing a miracle for a dog or cat who needs a safe, loving place to wait for their forever home, now is the time!
A Poem For Fostering
By Jim Willis
Our paths will cross for only a short time, but while you are in my care I will be devoted to you. If memories of your former life are painful, I will help erase them. No longer will you hunger and I will help to heal your wounds. If your former life was good, I will promise you an even better future.
One day our time together will come to an end and you will go off to your new home, healthy, happy and healed. As a parting gift, I will give you a piece of my heart to remember me by. I may shed a tear . . .not for my loss, but for your gain.
Perhaps our paths may cross again for a fleeting instant and I will be comforted by the aura of love that surrounds you. There will always be a bond between us, though we walk separate paths through this life.
After we reach our heavenly reward our paths may cross again. You may try to return the piece of my heart with thanks for all that I did for you. I will tell you to keep it and thank you for showing me that I could be better than I thought I could be, and that I learned in giving came the greatest gifts.
The pieces of our hearts are like grains of sand. They are pulled along a current beyond our control until they come together and form a safe haven.
I, like you, came to understand what it meant to be saved.
A Foster Alumni Story
Our poodle had passed on, our daughter had grown, and we were thriving as empty nesters. We shamelessly fawned over dogs in the neighborhood, and fantasized about taking them home (if only for a day or two). When our daughter began fostering Boston Terriers we inadvertently fell into the perfect situation: we instantly became foster grandparents! We play with them and love them as we would with grandchildren, and when our time is through, they go back to their home. The only difference is that they don’t yet have a permanent home and occasionally have special needs. For us, the troubled dogs have been even more fun as we get to see incremental progress each time we catch up with them, which is especially the case with Bill, our daughter’s “failed” foster (one she kept). Maybe for a ‘regular’ dog getting out of a safe spot to get a drink of water is no big deal, but for our permanent and temporary granddogs, it is a chance to celebrate with a piece of cheese—for humans and dogs alike. Yum!” –Carol and Dennis Duffy