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  • Jennifer Misfeldt, MABTR

Maisie - MABTR Alumni

In 2018 I adopted Maisie at the age of five. As I write this she is now ten years old and loving life.

MABTR rescued her from a puppy mill where she had lived in a cage for the first five years of her life.

She was very anxious for the first year when guests came to the house. Although I’m retired, I immediately enrolled her in doggy daycare for two days a week.

I bought a new townhouse three years ago with a fence where a bunny visits morning and evening. So every time I open the door to let her out, I pause to give the bunny time to escape under the fence. She has learned to pause, too.

We are both very healthy because we walk every day. This picture of her at day care enjoying her friends and freedom.

-Annabell of KS


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