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My dog vomits daily especially after meals. Is it an Elongated Palate or Megaesophagus

Jennifer Misfeldt, MABTR

A couple of things to consider when it comes to the Boston breed

Elongated Palate - is the collapse of the flap of mucousal tissue which closes off the animal's airway during swallowing to prevent food and liquids from going into their lungs.

Other symptoms of this disorder is snorting, breathing problems, and snorting.


- Some dogs require surgery especially bostons. Consult with your vet to determine what is best for your dog. Surgery can make a world of difference for your dog and extend their life.

- Recommend watering down the dog food. Soak food in water overnight

- Elevate the food and water dish. Consider placing the bowls on a step stool or on top of a sturdy box

- Feed small amounts multiple times a day instead of two full meals

Megaesophagus - is when the muscles of the esophagus fails and it cannot propel food or water into the stomach.


- Surgery is not available to correct this.

- A low-fat or low residue softened food to be fed either in a milkshake consistency or in "meatballs" works best

- Feed small amounts multiple times a day instead of two full meals

- Elevate the food and water dish. Consider placing the bowls on a step stool or on top of a sturdy box

- Medications may include an acid reducer like Pepcid- AC 5mg twice a day

Bacteria - there are cases where during a scope procedure bacteria is found on the stomach walls which can also cause consist vomiting. Bacteria in the system is common for dogs that eat stuff outside in the yard such as rodent poop, dirt, their own stool, etc.

If this is the case make sure the bacteria strain is identified in order to be properly treated.


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